Friday, May 21, 2010

Annie- Letter to the man☆

Dear the man,

Hello? Nice to meet you. My name is So Yeon Kim. You can call me Annie (which is my English name) or just So :) I guess many of my classmates have already written a letter to you. You may be tired of receiving letters in your situation but, I really want to encourage you and the boy!

First, I will introduce myself. I live in a small country called Korea. You may have never heard of it but it is located next to China. Oh, your world could have been a totally different from my world but, I am guessing that the world before the apocalypse is similar to mine. I said I’m guessing because in the book, there’s not much said about the world before. I go to a foreign language high school (which is why I can write in English).

I decided to write a letter to you for this week’s assigned part because the boy was sick. I was really worried for both you and the boy. I mean, there’s no medicine, no doctors, or anything that could help the boy survive. The boy could have died of that sickness and I’m very sure that you would have died too if the boy died. And, I really wouldn’t like that. I really want you and the boy to survive (I’ll call it surviving… even if you guys don’t like it….). So, when I read the part where the boy was sick, I was so desperate… wishing for him to survive. Then, I thought how desperate you would be. I would never be able to experience it unless my family had a fatal disease…… I wanted to encourage you not to give up!

I first thought about writing this letter to the boy but, the boy can’t read well… I think… And, he’s currently sick so you can read this letter out loud for him! Really, don’t give up! Even though I can’t see or feel how awful, the situation is, I can at least imagine by how you described it. It is gross, inhumane, and awful. I mean there won’t be words bad enough to describe the situation. But I believe that there are many; maybe millions of people that want you to survive. So, just do not let go!

From what I have seen, you are a brave and intelligent person. You know ways you can survive without going through inhumane experiences. You didn’t choose to eat other people even though you were starving. (Of course, it could have been because of the boy. But if it was me, and I was really right before dying, I would have eaten….) Not only that, you know how to use things you find. When I read what you have done with the things you find and how you find those things, I am always surprised. I ask myself ‘How does he know that? Is he an expert? Would I be able to do that if I were in his shoes? and so many more.’ I know that I won’t be able to survive long or be brave like you. So, you are quite good at this.

If you don’t give up, I know you can do it. I don’t know when you can stop surviving and actually live your life but, I think time will come. At times when you want to give up, think about the boy. Just like you, the boy will die if you die. Think about the world that you know but the boy doesn’t. That world may come back… So, what I really want to tell you is just don’t give up! No matter what happens to you in the future, I really hope that you don’t give up. You have the ability and luck!

From Annie that believes you can do it no matter what!

P.S. Don’t feel too pressured by this letter. I just wanted to encourage you. I know you are sick already and you may want to die, but just try your best! For you and the boy. The prize may be nearer than you think.


  1. I don't know how many times you said 'Don't give up' to the man! haha^^ But I don't think that the man's gonna take it as a pressure. If I were a man, and received that letter, I wouldn't stop thanking you, for your kind letter. Maybe when the man reads the letter to the boy, he would get up and walk around, just as he'd never been sick before. haha^^;;

  2. There a lot of ideas that agree with mine. But the different thing is that I mostly gave advised to the man and told him what he should know and you wrote about your feelings and encouraged the man. I should learn to eoncourage the man more effectively..haha
    Anyway I was impressed at your letter!

  3. I think the man would be proud, encouraged by this letter, even if you said don'tgiveupdon'tgiveupdon'tgiveupforgod'ssakedon'tgiveup a thousand times. I was really worried about the boy, because I remembered that the man said he would also die... then we'd have no character to make the story!

  4. I like how positive and encouraging you are throughout this letter.

    I'm curious about how you think he might have resorted to cannibalism if the boy had not been there... why is that? And you said that you might if you were going to starve to death (I know that must be hard to think about)... but how far would you go? Would you hunt others? Keep them locked up in a cellar like those other people did? Something to think about...


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