Monday, May 17, 2010

Christine, 3 Quotes

While I was reading this week’s assignment, I thought that so far, this part of the book is most exciting and tense. It’s probably the first time I read fifty pages at once. The story developed really fast, with some new characters(though it was just for a moment). As reading, I found some interesting quotes.

Page 154. Even now some part of him wished they’d never found this refuge. Some part of him always wished it to be over.

This is the part that after they found the refuge full of foods. They spend some nights at that house. Gone through so many things and being sick, the man is now struggling to keep everything stable. He gets tired and worn out. I’m going to die, he says. Though the readers can’t guess the exact name of a disease, we can also tell that his health is getting worse and worse. He might want to give up living in such a terrible world. My grandfather, when he was suffering because of lung cancer, his pain was too intense to endure. The antibiotics gave him longer life, but it didn’t bring him the reason to live. “I wish I’ve never noticed it, you know.” he said. I couldn’t understand what he was talking about at that time, but being a little older, I feel like I can at least guess what he felt like. If he never found it, he would have died after few months. Yet since he found a huge tumor growing inside of him, miserable and painful time started. Just like him, the man maybe wished that he had died at the moment of the disaster.

Page 159. What happened to your flute?
I threw it away.
You threw it away?

Page 160. Our long term goals.
Where did you hear that?
… You said it. A long time ago.
What was the answer?
I don’t know.
Well. I don’t either. Come on. It’s getting dark.

As I was reading these quotes, I thought that both the man and the boy are getting used to present world. Which also means, that they’re forgetting about the past and the value of it. In the second quote, they’re now heading to somewhere else, leaving from the refuge. The man asks to the boy where’s flute, and the boy says he threw it away. The man seemed to be frozen for a second, but soon excepts this with no problem. Music. When the readers think about it, It’s the most important thing to enjoy the life. And flute is kind of an implement to make it possible. Meanwhile at this moment, since everything’s related to survival the man and the boy don’t seem to care about those things. In the third quote, the boy speaks about the long term goals, and the man asks him where did he heard it from. The man can’t even remember what he had said in the past. And of course, none of them remembers what it was. Probably ‘the long term goal’ had been pretty important for them in the past, or even it was the reason to live.


  1. Had a meaningful time reading your post, Christine! Thanks for your post!

    I'm sorry for your grandfather... I guess he had a really hard time dealing with the tumor. I think that the situation when you can't give up on antibiotic treatments, which you do not favor that much, is quite similar to the situation of the survivors in the book. Their life is so hard but they can't give up on their lives.
    Uhmm~ I failed to get that if the man didn't find the bunker, the man and the boy would have died! I just thought that oh, the man doesn't like himself incessantly recalling the memories from the previous world. But reading your post, I could see that it has deeper meaning. Thank you~
    And the flute~ Yeah, it's not surprising that you quoted that part since you are so interested in (and talented in) music!
    And long term goals... I guess the man and the boy had had no time or were in no situation to think about far future, since they needed to concentrate on solving problems of the present of near future. But in the past, they cared about that, as you said, and now the boy recalled the word, so I expect to see some more lines on long term goals afterward in the book. :)

  2. I'm really sorry that your grandfather suffered from a terrible disease..As I read your reading journal, I thought the situation the man and the boy were in was very similiar to what your grandfather went through. They had wanted to die yet their desire to live still lives on. It's always nice to read someone's personal experience even though this time it was a really painful one.
    Great reading journal!

  3. Your personal experience has helped you understand a part of this quote--which was a wish to die and escape the awful pain of their lives. I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather.

    I thought the long term goals quote was just funny. What a ridiculous thing to address in this environment.


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