Sunday, May 23, 2010

Letter to the boy

Letter to the boy

Hi, this is one of your supporters, Harin. I know there’s nothing I can do for you now as a supporter, but I do care about you with all my heart. I’m little bit older than you, but I always think that you would be much more mature than I do. It’s really terrible to live in such environment, isn’t it? Well, maybe you don’t even know how horrible the world you live in now is. If so, I am really sorry about that. You should know the real beauty of the world. The color you can see is not only the gray, or black. There once used to be green, yellow, orange, blue, etc. Oh, the sea used to be blue. I really hoped that you could see the blue ocean. But don’t be so disappointed. I’m sure that the world with all the colors will come back, and that’s what you have to try and live for, to get the beautiful world back. However, I am so glad to see you becoming more active than before. You found the house, suggested your own opinion a lot. But you think your father doesn’t really listen to you don’t you? Of course it would be very sad for you, but it’s because your father loves you. What he does, what he says are all because of you, boy. He’s got more experience and he knows how to protect you. So, don’t be so sad about it, okay?
And I’m really curious about the meaning of ‘carrying the fire’ for you. Is it so important to you because it’s the way you can clarify the good and the bad people? I personally think that ‘the fire’ in your heart is your passion and bravery. They’re good to keep. You must have them in your mind, no matter what. But sometimes I see you being very weak both physically and mentally. I understand how it feels like to be sick in such a hard situation. Besides, there’s no any medication or hospital to treat your sickness. Instead, you have your father. He’s the best doctor who can look after you. So please cheer up, for both you and your father. I’m not really sure if I should tell you about this… but I think it’s better for you to know. You would know that your father is in a really hard situation. And I remember you being waken up with your father’s coughing. Your father’s getting weaker and weaker. He even coughed up blood. I know you don’t want to believe, but you need to realize the reality. Your father can’t be with you forever. There would be some time you have to be apart from your father. I think you should get yourself ready for it. Learn how to find foods and place to sleep, protect yourself, things like that. I don’t want to be so negative, but I just want to help you. Also, you should be more careful. It was such a huge mistake to lose the pistol. What if somebody took it and was holding the pistol in front of you and your father? Your father can’t do everything for you. I think it’s time for you to start helping him, not to get help from him. I always care about you like your father does. And there are more people supporting you. When you get so tired that you want to stop, think about all the people looking at you and your old man. It will help you keep going. Hope you are always healthy and carrying the fire because you’re the good guys. God is always in the good guys!


  1. Such a kind letter! I like the way you both summarized important parts and wrote your opinion on it. It helped me to organize my thoughts. I also want them to cheer up and achieve their goal ㅠ ㅠ

  2. I could clearly see that you're caring him. I, also almost screamed, and tried to stop reading and relax for a little while when the boy lost their gun. I also liked your way of soothing him, telling him nicely about the present fact. Hopely the boy will read this letter, and be a bit more braver:D

  3. A very touching letter, as your classmates said. The fire as a symbol for passion and bravery is an interesting proposal. Could you expand on it and explain in more detail?


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