Saturday, May 22, 2010

Assignment- Writing a letter to the man. Sunny

Dear the man
Hi, I'm Sunny in South Korea, I guess who I am and where I live is not important to you now. Struggling to live every second would surely make you indifferent to other things. I just wanted to encourage you and tell you that me and our classmates who are reading the book are paying careful attention to you guys and hoping that the story would end happily. So cheer up!
Anyway I've read till page 251 and want to tell you how I think. While you were going south you encountered a house, right? Your son was afraid right before you went into the house, and I was trembling, too. Since I've seen cannibals and people who were eaten brutally and usually when the boy says he's afraid and doesn't feel right, something bad happens. So this might sound rude but I hope you respect the boys words, too. Sometimes children's instinct and institutions are sharp and correct. And in your case the boy has undergone those situations incessantly and he was born after the disaster happened so that makes him kind of more keen in some cases. I feel really pity for the boy when he accepts everything like it's normal. Seeing people die and meeting people who eat others are not normal and you know that because you lived in the before world when there were no ashes and terrifying elements trying to get you. But the boy, he does not know the world which was filles with happiness and brightness and I suppose I'm really lucky to live in this world. Through you and the boy attitudes to corpse and dead people are sometime to monotonous making me really shocked. It's like you guys are starting to lose human emotions and morality, this increases the possibility of you turning into bad guys, and I definitely do not want this to happen. By the way I'll be really glad if the boy get to see a world without gray stuff.
I could see you were disappointed and sorry to the boy not being able to show a blue and clear sea to the boy. If the boy knew how blue and transparent it used to be, he would have probably be inspired enough and try harder to survive. Time to time the boy tells you that they are going to die and makes you tired and I know it really bothers you. When my brother does that to me I sometimes lose my temper and I think your good and controling your feelings. You are also trying as hard as you can to conceal the fact you are sick to the boy, because if the boy knew he would get shocked and think he is doomed.. Unfortunately the boy is sick, too. and it would be frustrating to see your loving child suffering. I understand your thoughts but I suggest you to take care of yourself more. Assume you get too sick to take care of the boy and couldn't get provisions. Then the boy would starve and die at the end.(Sorry to say this. I simply want you to confront the reality directly.)
You said "No matter what. I will not send you into the darkness alone." To keep this promise take good care. Parents sacrifice for their kids and I see that in you, too. However to much can worsen the situation. I tell you something that will make you hopeful, you know what? Usually the good guys , protagonists live till the end to succeed so don't worry to much. Me and my classmates certainly won't be glad to see a sad ending so at least for the boy and for us do not lose hope!
From. Sunny

1 comment:

  1. "It's like you guys are starting to lose human emotions and morality, this increases the possibility of you turning into bad guys, and I definitely do not want this to happen." You make so many great observations in your letter, Sunny, but this one really stood out to me. I think you're right that they are losing some of their humanity by remaining so isolated and out of touch. It's a very interesting question.


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