Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week 4 - Memorable Scene

I admit that this picture is not quite appropriate but I couldn't really find any other scene that remained in my head the most. I apologize if this made you feel disgusted.

This scene, as I'm sure you all may remember, is in page 198. It wasn't so a significant event but I'm also sure that you all are shocked here just as you did in page 110 to 111(one of the most brutal scenes, you konw). Again, page 198 describes another brutal secene. This time, a pack of people were literally 'cooking' a little child. Let's see the back and forth of this scene.

"A thin stem of smoke was rising out of the woods ahead."(pg.196)

Here, this is the beginning. The man and the boy were walking just as they always did. And then they suddenly observed a stem of smoke from a woods. In this apocalypse-strucken world, everything around them are their enemy so they had to be alert. At this part, the readers can sympathize with them and also become sensitive. After all the smoke draws the readers attention.

"I think they've gone...They probably had a lookout."(pg.197)

To their relief, the people who made the fire already had already run away. It looks like those people hadn't gotten a proper weapon to protect themselves. In other words, they feared the man and the boy. Anyway, with no one around the fire, they could easily discover what they were doing at the fire.

"What the boy had seen was a charred human infant headless and gutted and blackening on the spit."(pg.198)

And this is the brutal scene which could have bothered you a lot. The mysterious people were trying to eat a human kid! This is now the second time human-eating scene is directly shown to the readers. Perhaps there could be more of these kinds of scenes, I guess?

The described scene is not significant enough to influence the storyline of the entire story. Yes, I admit that. But here's one thing: was there any other scenes that greatly affected the storyline? I don't think so. So far, to page 200, the context was just about several repetitions of same routine: going and resting. In fact, I even think we didn't need to read the book so far. So, I selected this scene because its image didn't leave from my head. And I'm sure it's the same for you all too.


You remember? This is the picture that I drew last week, which I didn't show you because I thought it was too brutal. But now that I already uploaded the burning kid picture, I don't think there's any need for me to keep this unshown. Enjoy watching.



  1. Oh.. My.. god.... This is amazingly fantastic masterpiece of the time. hh Every time I see your drawing, I really envy you. Anyways, I think that it's kind of hard work to change words into pictures. However, you did really good job. One thing I noticed is that the infant is too large,,,h but it's not a big deal. I can still see how cruel people became. Also, for the second picture, you drew last week, I'm not really sure if the people were eating each other. Weren't they just kept to be eaten by canibals? If I am wrong, please let me know. I love yuor drawing! Thanks

  2. Not as a homework.... You are Really, Really, Really GOOD! I really envy you too~ Just keep up your good work! I look forward to seeing your next work ><

  3. Every time you draw something I get suprise just like everyone else. And not only your picture helps me to illustrate the scene, but also makes me think that if they try to make a animation out of this book, you're the one who should manage it! Though scenes were little bit brutal, I think you should get praised about the fact that you didn't try to avoid those kind of scenes, but faced it.

    Again, thank you for your fantastic masterpiece!!:D

  4. Translating such vivid and violent scenes into artwork must be challenging. How did your reaction to the scenes change when you put them into pictures? (I'm just curious). Nice job, as usual. And thank you for sharing the scene from last week...


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